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Wojahn Props Bucks Star for Mad Max

I have some newly released work to share from Art Class, Furiosa & ESPN
In the spring I propped in Milwaukee for Furiosa and ESPN. As a super fan of the Mad Max franchise since the 1980's, (I own all the blu-rays), it felt like a signature moment for me to be able to work these three commercials. It was filled with Mad Max props and a NBA all star Damian Lillaird. LA production designer Johnny Love made great choices, especially with the hero Wasteland car and MKE art director Gene Rueter crewed a great local dept. Local MKE producer Nicholaus Langholff wrangled a lot of out of town action to pull this one off. The spot continues to promote the film during the NBA playoffs on TV, Youtube and other medias. I will be going to see Furiosa a second time. Yes, it was that good.

MKE Art Dept Crew with the Wasteland Car

This spot, Dame's Daily Routine was 1 of 3 spots directed by Vincent Peone, DoP was Federico Tamburini, MKE Propmaster Mark Wojahn, Local Producer was Nicholaus Langholff.

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