« Winter 2024-25 Patrick Scully Films Update | Main | Wojahn Props Bucks Star for Mad Max »

Lots of things are getting done...

Dear fans and patrons for the films about Patrick Scully,

Thanks to those who came to my Northeast studio during Art-A-Whirl. It was great to talk to friends of Patrick and the film and meet you. I know Its' been awhile since my last update but we've been working hard editing the film. I gave my team a deadline of Sept 30th and they delivered to me a "fine cut" of movie. This cut has custom titles, an audio mix, songs spotted in and end credits. It basically looks like a film, it is a film. I can't wait to show it to you.

We have submitted this to a couple of festivals so far. We are hoping for a spring 2025 premiere, wish us luck! I am really happy with overall vibe, look and feel of the film. While there are still things to change, clips to enhance and more audio mixing to level up or down, we are getting so close!

As we continue to polish the film we are running out of financial resources, your donations have gotten us this far. The big looming cost I need to fund raise for is paying for the supporting images and video clips in the film. I am haggling with media sources, filmmakers and photographers. I'm doing my best but it looks like I need 5-8K to finish this film. Can you help?  If you're able to donate more to this film I would greatly appreciate it.

As you know well, our goal is to finish raising $51,450 to ensure that Patrick’s story – which in many ways is all our stories – gets told.

I want to thank David P. for donating $100 earlier this year.
All donations will be designated for the completion of this work.

Funders giving $20,000 will be credited as Executive Producers
$10,000 will be credited as Producers
$5,000 will be credited as Associate Producers
Any amount will also be listed in the credits of the film
thanks so much for your support and commitment to these films!


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