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Visit me at Art-A-Whirl

Come visit me at Art-A-Whirl this weekend. We can meet for the first time or catch up again. I'll be holding court discuss the Patrick Scully films. I have a studio in the Northwestern Casket Company building. "Casket Arts" is one of the premier Art buildings in Northeast Minneapolis. It is home to my 'Casket Cinema'. A micro cinema salon that we have been showing the best in documentary films since 2008. My studio is #145 and there will be lots of art, film action happening in and around the neighborhood. I will be there Friday 5-9pm and Saturday 10-6pm. The street address is 681 17th Ave Northeast, Mpls, MN 55413.
I hope to see you!
We continue to edit the film and are close to finish the polishing of the "Culture Wars" section that features John Killacky and Ron Athey. This sub-chapter nests within the Cabaret section of the film. I feel like this part of Patrick's narrative is important as it places him and the Cabaret in the national discussion of the NEA, its' funding and the controversial debate that seized the media's soapbox and the politics of the time. I look forward to y'all of watching this on the big screen in the near future. We are working hard to getting the film ready to be submitted to film festivals in the fall of this year.
Researcher, writer and DJ, Cyn Collins has stepped on board our team as we working on clearing all the clips and photographs we are using in the film. Patrick Scully is also working with us on this. Thanks to Cyn for joining our rights and clearance team! If there are images or videos of you that we are using in the film, I thank you for letting us use them in the film, as it's so important to the story. Ragamala Dance Company, Joe Chavla's Flying Foot Forum, Ruth Zepora, Wendy Oliver, Gadu, Nancy Hauser and others have recently signed releases, Thank you!
Remember 2 years ago you helped us premiere Leaves of Grass: Iluminated at the Twin Cities Film Festival.
As you know well, our goal is to finish raising $51,550 to ensure that Patrick’s story – which in many ways is all our stories – gets told. Thanks to Keith H. for recently donating $100 to the film.
All donations will be designated for the completion of this work.
Funders giving $20,000 will be credited as Executive Producers
$10,000 will be credited as Producers
$5,000 will be credited as Associate Producers
Any amount will also be listed in the credits of the film
Donations Link:
Tax deductible: https://filmnorth.org/fiscally-sponsored-projects/patrick-scully-the-dance-is-not-over/

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