Spring Documentary Update

! Happy March !
Dear fans and patrons for the films about Patrick Scully,
I hope you all have had a productive time hibernating. Meanwhile at Editing HQ, we've been going through the chapters of the film. Dan of Jagged Edge editing continues to polish these sections of the project with great success. Your donations to Gofundme and our fiscal sponsor, Film North, in January, February and from the Fall fundraiser continue to fund this work. Thank you to Andrew & Eyenga who have sent in $550! Your generosity is validating and vital to keep this project going!
Eyenga Bokamba's art exhibit, where she had 10 of her small paintings on sale for this project, ended last December. She was able to sell one painting for The Dance Is Not Over. She also said that if there is interest in more purchases for these paintings, she will continue to send donations our way. Please contact her at her website if this is a good fit for you. Here is a link.
photo by Eyenga Bokamba
I am looking for an intern for this project, if you are interested in documentary film or know someone who is, pls contact me.
As you know well, our goal is to finish raising $51,800 to ensure that Patrick’s story – which in many ways is all our stories – gets told.
All donations will be designated for the completion of this work.
Funders giving $20,000 will be credited as Executive Producers
$10,000 will be credited as Producers
$5,000 will be credited as Associate Producers
Any amount will also be listed in the credits of the film
Donations Link:
Tax deductible: https://filmnorth.org/fiscally-sponsored-projects/patrick-scully-the-dance-is-not-over/
Non-tax deductible: https://www.gofundme.com/f/patrick-scully-moviethe-dance-is-not-over
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