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Celebration & FUNraiser Sept 14th

Dear Friends and patrons,

Please save the date, on Wednesday, September 14 | 6:00 – 10:00 pm Patrick Scully, Mark Wojahn and friends invite you to a Filmmaker’s Celebration and Fundraiser to complete their 2nd documentary.  “The Dance is Not Over: The Patrick Scully Story”

The party will be  at The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis | 410 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, MN. The Event is Free with a suggested minimum donation of $65

Guests and Patrons will dive into an evening of performance, auction, film, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, dancing and red carpet to raise the final funds to complete the next Mark Wojahn film.

Happy Hour will be  6-7pm, Entertainment 7-10pm

Our goal is to finish raising $65,000 to ensure that Patrick’s story – which in many ways is all our stories – gets told.

All donations will be designated for the completion of this work. Funders giving $20,000 will be credited as Executive Producers

$10,000 will be credited as Producers
$5,000 will be credited as Associate Producers
Any amount will also be listed in the credits of the film.

In addition to screening a section from ‘The Dance is Not Over’ we will also screen Joe Chvala’s Flying Foot Forum short film “Cookaphony”.

All attendees will be gifted a blu-ray or free download of  “Leaves of Grass – Illuminated”, a related Wojahn documentary of Patrick’s 2019 show at the Guthrie Theater.

Scheduled to Appear on the rooftop or in The Women's Club theater:

Joe Chvala Flying Foot Forum + Susana Di Palma + Prudence Johnson +  Eyenga Bokamba +  Patrick Scully + Andrew Peterson  + Cyn Collins + Laura Stone-Jeraj

The finale' of lineup will be a clip from the film, “The Dance is Not Over” it will be introduced by Director Mark Wojahn and Director of Photography Greg Winter.

An online Silent Art Auction will compliment this event. Featuring these artists and more,

Terry Gydesen, Keri Pickett, Areca Roe, Xavier Tavara, Vance Gellert, Dougie Padilla, Keith Holmes, Mark Wojahn and Lynn Wadsworth.  
Link for the auction is TBA.

Proof of vaccination and an ID is required for attendance and must be presented at the door. Masks will be required for indoor activities.

Reservations required at Eventbrite:

Event Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/368508828827
and on Facebook at: https://fb.me/e/1Eg4B60vE

Donations Link:
Tax deductible: https://filmnorth.org/fiscally-sponsored-projects/patrick-scully-the-dance-is-not-over/
Non-tax deductible: https://www.gofundme.com/f/patrick-scully-moviethe-dance-is-not-over

For more information, contact Mark Wojahn and Patrick Scully at:
(612) 568-3178 or email at xlart2@gmail.com, www.patrickscullymovie.com

thanks so muh for your support and commitment to these films!

Mark Wojahn

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